Thursday, July 19, 2012


I can see this as a first in a series, as relationships, inter-personal, are involved, practically during most of our waking hours. Unless you're a hermit. I'm imparting to you most of what I know, about dealing with people, making and keeping friends, common courtesies, etc. These advises will definitely be invaluable to you in your journeys(you 2).

1. Acknowledgement - Acknowledge people and their achievements, little successes. Nothing hurts more than having your sincerest efforts trivialized.

2. Remembers people's names - They say its the sweetest sound to one's ears. Maybe not, if you're named Lucifer, or maybe Zorayda... Well, Zorayda may be a beautiful name elsewhere... Maybe even Lucifer... :D

3. Be on time - Time is limited. Don't waste other people's time irresponsibly.

4. Thou shalt not lie - Unless you really have to... Life is not black and white. Exercise caution on this one. As telling a lie or witholding information can often backfire and cause you more harm than good.