Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Wonder of Creation: Plants

Question: Have you ever paused to think about plants?

Rhetorical question. So I can ramp up to a thought that just occurred to me just a while ago.

Plants are such wonderful things, aren't they? Have you thought about how you can plant different types of plants and with the same soil they can make different products? WONDERFUL! FANTASTIC! (Been watching Dr. Who, Tata :D ).

These "nature's factories" can be minute to gigantic. From the simplest spore to giant redwoods. Producing fruits, nuts, seeds, bark, leaves, etc, etc... And become home to worms, insects, birds, other plants, etc, etc, etc... All with more or less the same soil to grow in! FANTASTIC!

The scientist in my would say: DNA. But I'd rather keep my child-like wonder of God's Creation. All of life and non-life.

I encourage you to see through this type of eyes. Look at The Doctor. He always seems so enthusiastic. Its because he sees cause for wonder in the smallest and seemingly trivial. Like plants.



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